The package has intentionally been designed as a DIY On-The-Job workshop. It is not an online learning experience, as they tend to be distant, impersonal and not tailored to individuals. It is not a box ticking exercise. As a computer is not required for the programme, users can then work at their own pace anywhere they please. Ours is not a one off the shelf package - one size fits all - it is geared to the specific needs of your company and therein lies the key to the levels of success that we have achieved with our many satisfied clients.
We believe that your employees should be driven by the creation of profits for your business. Our programme is designed to involve all employees and leaders in revealing opportunities and solutions which are so often completely overlooked by corporate managers.
Senior managers will discuss and agree the reasons for the programme and the targets to be agreed.
Here is the basic information needed to motivate employees/managers and to achieve the greatest profit performance from individuals and teams.
You will develop and motivate individuals and build profit teams to recognise how their actions can pinpoint areas where lack of attention to profitable work practices can damage your organisation. Then create solutions.
Teams will identify areas where profits have been damaged. Once revealed, they can use their skills to increase profit effectiveness. When identified, joint agreements can be established to set accurate and profitable targets within their spheres of influence.
We will establish the most effective communication systems to help improve methods and progress towards profitable targets, company news and views.
Your boss/director ratifies your plans, will agree your targets and give their authority to proceed. You will both jointly agree to measure your performance over rolling three-month periods.